Can you see the trunk swerving? The arms swaying? The head lifted towards the sun? Can you see the dance?
Some point to the Creator in Armageddon, apocalypses, and the purging of infidels. Some point to the Creator in tears falling upon another’s head, the human touch upon human need, and even in the unity of life that would not swat the insect that bites. Some look to books. Some look to prophecies. Some look to abundance and even a parking place in front of the store. Some look without. Some look within. Some have found there is neither without or within.
I am a simple hobbit who looks to hear the Whisper. Moses looked to the burning bush. I looked at a tree stump dancing with all its might before the earth, lake, sun, and sky. I would have fallen to my knees upon the sacred ground…. alas I could not. I had to dance.
And the Whisper laughed, “Amen. And so it is.”
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