In case you don’t recognize it, it is super power Wizard Dust. I know, the little plastic vial disguises its super powers. A gift from someone who probably has no reason to believe in super power Wizard Dust, magic, or good…. and…..
Sometimes you just have to go, sit and remember…
A million suns are ablaze with light The sea of blue spreads in the sky, The fever of life is stilled, and all stains Are washed away; When I sit in …..
It won’t stop him from being shoved and locked in the school locker or his scream for help. It won’t stop the bullies from breaking his glasses. It probably won’t stop the teachers from suspending only…..
In a world of perfect pine cones, my friend, you may look imperfectly flat. To me, as I got out of my car, ready to start the day, you radiated like the sun. Your perfect warmth drew my eyes in the direction needed…..
In the midst of brown lifeless fingers three stand in life’s green. The trunk of the tree still breathed against my hand. If three are enough for the tree, then I shall count resiliency, love, and…..
We stood at the airport gate like stiff awkwardly placed mannequins waiting to be staged. Only, we had been set and placed. Years of perceived not understanding stood like a wall placed in the center of the Grand Canyon. The cavern was enough…..
Nope, I cannot say for sure why the chicken crossed the road. Or, in this case, the turkeys. Sometimes I listen for the whispers to tell me. Sometimes I cannot hear the answer and then I have to ponder, did I…..
And should I think my ego or mind too strong to ever soften or learn. Should I think the light too far or unobtainable. Should I think flexibility and openness are out of reach. If I should, my friend, I will remember your…..
A short drive just to see the mesa and mountains. A gray horse enjoying the sunshine and grasses. As I took his picture I thought I had met him before. It was a road I had not traveled, so where, my friend…..
A discombobulated day. A longed for day of rest and yet no rhythm could be found. Weather said no to walking. Its no contained a maybe I didn’t see. And now the coffee pot has whispered the coffee is brewed and a mandala coloring book…..
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