In case you don’t recognize it, it is super power Wizard Dust. I know, the little plastic vial disguises its super powers. A gift from someone who probably has no reason to believe in super power Wizard Dust, magic, or good…. and yet, that is what the heart and smile named the gift. The giver will never know just how potent the Wizard Dust was and is. In a world that has become so singular and myopic in its vision, we often become blind to broader and perhaps more pervasive needs. Needs like believing in super power Wizard Dust.
No, I am not trivializing the current political, cultural, and economic crises that have inundated the news. Nor do I fail to notice the potential of so much energy and time if exerted to ending hunger, abuse, homelessness, abandonment of the elderly, separation and fear, and the earth’s own groaning. Oh no, no attempt to dismiss any of the “needs.” Just a moment’s pause to appreciate a gift of belief from one whose life of abuse and need would go unnoticed, like so many others. I only wish you could feel the power of that little vial of super power Wizard Dust. If you could, I think we would all be dashing to the store to buy ordinary glitter and plastic vials and giving them away in truckloads and sprinkling them all over the world.
As John Lennon said….. Imagine ∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
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