Perhaps it is fitting, after days of preparation, cooking, cleaning, traveling, gathering, shopping for bargains, and in my state, as in the world, more killing, that the whisper would come early. To pause and see the sun shining on the snow…..
Some hugs are different. Not so much a greeting or a sign of affection. They are more like the hug of a drowning person holding on to a life preserver. Afterwards, I stood alone outside looking for my breath. Looking up the sky…..
Sculpted. Painted. Dancing. Velvet. Water. The face I see at a point in time. I see so many faces. So many faces see mine. Which one am I seeing? Which one do they see? How many other faces are there in that one…..
After a blizzard one needs to breathe. If there had been candles to light, as I entered the sanctuary of Maxwell Wildlife Sanctuary, I surely would have lit more than one. Indeed, my heart did. Bald eagles, hawks, ravens, a herd of deer,…..
Today magic took on a whole different meaning. Talking to a little one, a princess in pink, three deer strolled by the ground level windows. The windows are tinted so you cannot see into the room. They stood with their noses almost touching…..
Shoveling out from the night’s blizzard transformed into quiet meditation for those on my heart and for our world. Thinking of all, the whisper’s question so clear. So simply profound…. is it easier to let go of freedom than to let go of fear?
As I gazed at the candle I noticed the colors of the French flag. The dancing glow seemed so timely. It may seem we have crossed the line of a peaceful world. I don’t know. I do know Truth is truth…..
I betcha even June Cleaver burned at least one piece of toast and maybe one batch of cookies. If not a four letter word, surely an “ugh” escaped at some time in her life. No mother is perfect. …. Thank heavens.
Mama would…..
The darkness is held in the flame of a small candle. The quiet night serenaded by my little dog’s dream barks. The gentle music with the sounds of the ocean waves fills the room. It is time for bed and my heart ponders.
I ponder…..
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