I did not think I would see her fullness tonight. I learned long ago to know her smile even when she wears the veils of clouds. The clouds reminded me of a giant cauldron filled with a magical brew, simmering and swirling. The moon, a most perfect alchemist, watched as the shapeshifters stirred, moved, and danced.
Many whispers, like the clouds, stir within and without me. Some of those voices I have written of as bookmarks. Whispers I know are important but cannot make the connection. Tonight, shivering in winter’s chilled wind, another bookmark cloud swirled within my heart. I breathed its cold breath deeply. Like the moon behind a veil of clouds, I have also learned the answer is there even when unseen. And so, I leave another bookmark here. More breadcrumbs along the path.
I go among trees and sit still.
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