A restless restless night. I could not get to sleep. Needed to be up early. I confess I became frustrated. I had done everything to wind down the evening down gently. A long walk during the day to honor the body. Sweet meditations throughout the day. Why could I not get to sleep? So much occurring in the morning. Then, with maybe two hours sleep I set off for my appointment which was canceled. The big “to do” was not to be. I returned home weary and disappointed but determined to take my heart and little dog for a short walk.
As we walked I pondered the night before and my frustration. I laughed at myself. No promises made of perfect bliss. No promises made if you are “good” then only “good” will come to you. No such promises. Only the promise that all is well. Only the promise that all experiences and emotions are my teachers showing me where I still need to unfold. When allowed, all emotions and experiences pass as quickly as they arrive. To learn, savor, delight, and dance the dervish of Life in its fullness is the promise of the unfolding and discovering path.
Caught in my reverie of pondering the promises I felt the leash jerk and quickly became mindful of the present moment in front of me. There just inches away from my little dog was a rattle snake. My little dog poised to pounce despite the warning the snake was offering. I reeled her in quickly. We stood and watched the snake. Slowly it moved away and we were left unharmed. We did not threaten. We did not grasp. We did not charge. True to its nature, unprovoked, the snake gently left. I bowed and said ‘thank you.’ And then the whisper… “Approach all of life that way little one. Be mindful of your surroundings. Listen for the warnings but do not grasp the symbols, emotions, or experience. Let them pass. They simply are. All is well.” I giggled back to the whisper and replied, “You forgot to add to not get caught up in the bliss and miss the warnings…” The breeze caressed my cheek and Life laughed back.
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