I marveled at the snow capped peak’s beauty. Still autumn as I stood but winter had rested upon the mountain. I laughed as I shuddered thinking of the impending snow driving and shoveling. Perhaps the beauty was in the distance –…..
Dear Doubt- Upon the drought hardened earth I have called forth the rain to transform the earth into ink upon which the footprint of my scirch has been left. May the footprint left, like the wax seal of…..
Three years ago, last week, I arrived and made my new home in Colorado. On this expedition, my first week here, the earth called me to simply rest and savor the journey that was and was to be. I gazed at the sky…..
Your image, my friend, has haunted me all day. Even without looking I could see you turning and looking at me again. A late scrich tonight, I thought perhaps none would be written, as I could not decipher…..
An entanglement of roots minding not time and erosion nor the belief that roots grow only deep down into the earth. Roots grow where the tree needs. Roots grow around rocks. They do not crack open and force their way through. Roots extend to find the softness…..
They say the sky is the limit. But what if it seems I need even more than the sky? And then the whisper, “Oh little one, dare for the clouds, then tell me what you need.”
A wearying day of questions. To sit and let all pass through. Then the smile to remember those precious moments when acts were done or gifts given anonymously. No expectation to see the response. No desire to see the other’s face or reaction……
I thought of how careful I am to walk the edges of rocky hills and mountains. My mind ponders the dropping off and inability to be grounded. Looking up and beholding her grace and roots I discovered a new grounding. A grounding that yes…..
“Little timid marmot, now sitting across the street, I know you are fearful. I am sorry my presence scared you. I was spreading seed so you would have an abundance to eat. I know your instincts have taught you to be timid and…..
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