Arms raised in praise. A quickened sword. No matter the image the mind might create. The heart’s eyes sighed with mirrored defiant resilience rooted in the mountain of gratitude.
Sing my little friend! Keep singing! The mesa and lake were filled with the Meadowlarks’ songs. One had to stop and listen. What more can be said if you can imagine the heavens filled with the power of simple joy sung…..
The journey ended today. I finished school. What probably should have been an episode of Believe It or Not became a reality. I am still trying to process it all. But this much I can tell you.
Never underestimate…..
Before the day began, the sun danced through the prism creating a rainbow upon soft feathers surrounded by treasured rocks. I remember the sigh and laughter in my heart to see. Now, twelve hours later, I realize the image mirrored my day. A day…..
She is called, by some, Wolf Moon. The first full moon of 2015. As she moves, her movement will take her into a shadow. Tomorrow her luminosity shrouded in a hint of shadow. Poets’ pens and hearts have exploded beneath her fullness……
Here’s to Gilbert. A scrich my friend, you will not see. Sometimes you just have to trust the energies of leaving a feather to return kindness. Winter’s storm had gift 5 inches or so of snow for the earth to drink…and a little hobbit to shovel. The temperature was only 1 degree and double digit wind chill. The drive and parking area to get my car out can take one to two hours depending on the weight and depth of…..
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