They are just clouds. Any scientist can quickly explain their properties and even their names. Just clouds. On an autumn’s winter morning, they transformed within a weary body looking up at snowcapped mountain peaks. But as the wind…..
Oh my little friend, your wings are so tattered. I know not how long your life cycle but the seasons have left their mark upon your wings. Yet, there you are as graceful and elegant as can be. Nourishing yourself and carrying the same…..
The beauty of the bloom is breathtaking. I would hope, however, that neither fear nor arrogance would make me cling to this one bloom. That I would not be blinded to the vast abundance and diversity of other breathtaking blooms. That I would not…..
So many metaphors and images on a morning when winter leap frogged autumn to say hello. But the whisper that gifted such a laugh to my sighing heart…Baptismal Joy. Sometimes, it is that elegantly simple.
What makes the desert mesa become the green of pasture? What makes the green pasture become the barren desert mesa? Such a different texture depending upon how the question is asked. From green and fertile to dry dirt or dust and dry earth…..
The whisper telling me to look, surely delighted to hear my laughter when my eyes met the image’s gaze. Oh, it could be my hair when I wake up in the morning. Could be the explosion of softness bursting from the daunting thorns. Could be…..
An impulse this morning to simply try. A most most careful drive with eyes that wanted to see the sun rise but cannot see in the dark. One cannot even call the sight a reward for trying. No, not a reward. Simply the…..
Four summers I have walked this path. Four summers I have greeted this tree that to my eyes, had never known spring. I approached and felt her naked dancing arms holding the green while gathering my breath. Unlike the Disney movies, growth like this…..
The plant is called a Naked Lady. Though I do not know what is naked about them. Perhaps it is the wide open petals standing atop an unadorned stalk, with reaching unshielded arms and upturned fingers gathering and welcoming all. Is that the image…..
Needing not its fallen yellow petals, it still mirrors the sun, welcoming all, embraced in elegant warmth and beauty.
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