On my way to walk in nature like a child running towards the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. So long away. My heart about to explode. The railroad crossing arms dropped and a train whistled. I do love the sound of a train whistle. I confess, though, the initial delight faded as the train slowly, I mean slooooooooowly plodded along. A looooooong train. Nature was calling. I watched the other cars gun their engines and do pinwheel turns as they screeched away in the opposite direction. My little dog and I sat and listened to the rhythm of the steel wheels on the track. A perfect background beat to Jennifer Berezan’s song “Praises to the World.” I began to relax. The moment was perfect. The pace was perfect. The sound hypnotic and lulling. And then the whisper from Rumi, “Wherever you stand be the soul of that place.” Ahhh yes nature did so call. But her call also welcomes sitting. And so I sat. When the last car passed by, I felt a twinge of loss. Thank you.
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