A morning of reflection upon doors appearing to close and the path. I reflect upon the calling within that no thing, nothing and no one could possibly make or give me more than that which I already am. I am the expression of Life’s longing to create and express. Every cell, neuron, texture, and sound within me cannot be found in anything or anyone else. I am uniquely and divinely created and longed into being. How could any object compete? How could any work or person validate more than the essence and longing that called me into being? How could there ever be a love greater than the one that said “I have loved you into being”? With a sigh, I whisper, how can I truly comprehend such thoughts and Truth? Is such love and Truth so great I look to the external world for that which I cannot comprehend? I look to price tags, objects, words, nods, glances, touches, expiration dates and newer models for that which cannot be matched or transcended? Does my mind cling to the static because the animation is so great? And so I sit…
I heard the call. I began the journey. I walked through the storms. I climbed the mountains. What do you want me to do? What doors will open? The migrating geese catch my attention. I feel the beating of my heart. I am aware of my breath drawing in and out. I am listening. I am here. Simply me. Wonderfully me. I am. I AM. Sitting with You. Bow and smile.
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