What does cold sound like? Twenty two degrees and nature was calling. What would cold sound like on my first walk with nature and hearing aids?
Beneath a tree I listened to the sound of cold carried on the wind. I looked up as a hawk, holding his fish breakfast, scanned the horizon. Without any movement, any warning he began to call. No, not the screaming shriek of a predator. No, this was different. It was just a call. Stunned to hear his voice my ears were filled with a return call. Not a hawk. Oh no. I turned towards the sound and saw a Grosbeak puffed and calling back. Then another crack of sound and a quick turn. A Robin joined the conversation. The hawk called again. The Grosbeak answered. The Robin replied. I stood in the middle of nature’s surround sound as the conversation replayed over and over. The order remained the same – hawk, Grosbeak, and Robin. I guess all that needed to be said was said. The hawk stretched his wings and left with his breakfast. The Grosbeak chirped. The Robin chirped. Then off they went. All was silent, even the wind.
What does cold sound like? I may never know. Enough to ask the question. The asking and curiosity creates openness and space. The question becomes an invitation. And that is what I hear.
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