The little scrich tonight wandered here and there. The penned words used the walk at lunch with my camera to remind me of so many practices I had left behind. Patience and practice. I will not speak for all, but for me, those words are prickly. I turn the key in my car and I expect the motor to roar. I click on a web page button and I expect to be or have whatever it is the button offers. The heavy sighs of “Really?!!!” and “Seriously??!!!” that explode when there is a delay. And of course, being a human with an opposable thumb, I’ll show the internet… I bang the mouse. Ha!
Yeah… that works. [insert sarcastic voice]
Patience and practice. They’re as prickly as the Easter dresses my mother made me wear. She made me wear for the 90 minutes from dress time til church service was over… until I learned to bang the mouse and she surrendered.
No, not good with patience and practice. The scrich wandered some more slowly bringing the image of huge trees with trunks and limbs bent towards the sun or wrapping themselves around and over rocks. Patience and practice. Ok, the file is trying to download. The scrich has banged the mouse at me. Now that it has my attention, softly I hear the word “praise” inserted in the middle. Patience. Praise. Practice. Practice. Praise. Patience. Download complete.
Now, to press install and run. The mouse is safe. For now.
… practice, praise, patience.
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