For one who cannot see to drive in the dark, the depth of darkness held my breath as strong as my hands held the steering wheel. My eyes trying desperately to scan the roadside for deer, elk, gazelles, bear, and yes, the road itself. Somehow, for one who cannot see to drive in the dark, the depth of darkness gifted such stars and silhouettes, and I felt the earth’s nourishing womb. In fear and gentle cradling I traveled waiting for the sun. Slowly the colors changed and the stars began to dim. The beautiful sun made her appearance and all could be seen. Somehow, the sun which gifted sight to one who was unable to see, now blinded me with light as bright as the darkness’s depth. Eventually the road straightened more north and the sun rose higher completing the unfolding of the day and releasing the light’s blindness.
Cannot call either the dark or light savior nor demon. Neither one more desired over the other. Both offered such wondrous gifts. Both offered such wondrous challenges. But the true gift, the whisper heard, was the gift of pulling over as light and darkness held hands. I watched and gave thanks. No, not gratitude for the dark. No, not gratitude for the light. Simply gratitude for being grateful as light and darkness held my hand.
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