“That will never happen,” I told a friend as we both stood in awe of the Magpie’s beauty and unique song. I knew with my eyes, and the sheer speed of the Magpie’s flight, to catch one in flight, was a certain not to be. How often I had watched them fly off and my gratitude for the sight was always tinged with a desire to see it enlarged on the computer. To see what I saw that never failed to fill me with joy.
Just a few days after the certainty was affirmed, I watched the Magpie sitting in a tree through the camera’s lens. As it took off, my finger pressed down and I heard the camera’s click. When the pictures uploaded I rushed to the Magpie. There it was. I did not see that the shot was distant. I did not see the image was not distinct. I did not see the image failed to capture the black beauty of the tail. In short, it was an absolutely perfect picture.
Just another ordinary day of grace. Another ordinary day when the whisper, so gently speaks, “Oh little one, when will you believe….”
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