Steam, heat, clouds, droplets of water, and a cup filled with coffee hidden by the dance. Thank you sweet bird whose song I did not recognize. Your gift made me pause as I reached to take the first morning sip of coffee. A pause so brief yet it was just enough to draw my eyes to the dance. It faded so quickly. I would have missed the sight had I not paused.
My little heart tries so to be mindful. I don’t expect to ever be perfect. I sat holding the warmth of the cup in my hands. With eyes closed, I listened to the replay of the gifted sweet song in my heart and knitted its sound around all the loose threads of mindless moments. When I think of all the gifts that are mine today, right now in this moment I am overwhelmed. “I want…” “I wish….” “If only…” “One day….” May I find a way to let them fade as did the steam, heat, clouds, and droplets of water leaving only the dance and contented joy. Joy!
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