Driving down the dirt road this little squirrel appeared to be taken aback that a car would be on the road. It was, after all, the hollows, and not traveled much. Without an ounce of hurry he made it to the tree and prostrated himself against the tree. I confess, I almost couldn’t take the picture I was laughing so hard. I’m not sure how long he would have stayed there. A full version of the photo is below.
If you look into his or her eye, you can see the reflection of the sky and tree branch. Perhaps that is why you didn’t sense fear as he laid against the tree. He knew where to look. Alert, oh yes, Vigilant most definitely. But the focus, while on this unexpected intruder was alert and vigilant, his focus and posture was calm. He or she knew where to look and knew the safety within.
May I carry this image, the wisdom and laughter with me. Who knows, when life intrudes and I assume the squirrel position, maybe others will see the clouds, trees, and sky reflected in my eyes. And maybe they too will shake with laughter. If I can gift that to another, and to myself, the intrusion is grace.
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