Ok, I confess, I probably should’ve thought it through. Perhaps the task a bit much. To shovel out an untended garden area was probably not what my body needed. But who can deny the heart? Have wanted to tend the area, one of many, now for so long. The whisper seemed to say today it was time.
And along the path of shoveling, getting plants, cut fingers, popped knees and back, so so many gentle touches. My elderly neighbor across the street walked over to chat…and suggest a gardener (giggle). The young men at the garden store walked with me and describing the plants, how to tend, and carried to the car with so much gentleness of spirit. The Gold Finches and Grosbeaks sang in the tree next to where I worked. A feather blew into the circle to keep me company. And the breeze would kick up to cool my body when I thought no more could be done.
As I sat and spread a corn meal blessing around the new plants I thought of the words of wisdom the young man offered. “You have to space them apart so they can grow healthy. They will look sparse for a while but don’t worry, they’ll fill in perfectly.” His words offered such wisdom of life. Instead of seeing sparseness to see room and potential for growth. Instead of seeing what is not, to see what is. Tomorrow the center plants will join the outer circle. But for today, the sparseness is abundant…and that is grand.
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