Sometimes the whisper is not simply the image gifted. Sometimes it is the bridge created across the chasm of two totally disparate worlds and images. The first was gifted on Christmas Eve. Walking along the lakeside the whisper called to look and see. On the ground, at first appeared a stone. I paused knowing I was directed to see. The stone became a fairy throne. I smiled to ponder such an image.
The second came New Year’s Day during my morning readings. “May we become the….prayers of the forgotten children.” The phrase stunned me. I read and yearn for compassion. I read and yearn to serve. Words often forgotten in the rhetoric. The spiritual teachings all call for us to love, serve, feed, clothe, etc. But that one phrase, “May [I] become the…prayers of the forgotten children” powerfully cast such exhortations into a different realm. I thought of times I have been lost, felt forgotten, and suffering and how I cried out wondering if anyone heard. Instead of being called to love and serve, the call transforms into my becoming an answered prayer. Instead of waiting for someone else or the Divine to answer, I hear the prayer and I answer. When I become the prayer of the forgotten children is that not the Divine saying, “small one, I am here”? It is not service. It is an answered prayer. It is not service. It is the Divine responding.
So how does a fairy throne and answered prayers of forgotten children become bridged? Now that I’ve seen the small stone as a fairy throne, that is all I can see. I cannot simply see a small white stone. Once I listened and doubted not, the constricted view of my eyes and mind shifted and the stone became a fairy throne. Once I pray to become the answered prayer of forgotten children that is all my heart can see in every face. And with a smiling deep breath, I whisper, the throne is not empty. They left the seat of power to become the feet of Love’s power answering prayers.
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