The prompt was Balance: Heal reactivity by responding with elegance.
Elegance. I thought of dancers, musicians, writers, painters, teachers, athletes, and all who create a craft that manifests with ease, fluid movement, and simplicity. We, the beholders, so immersed in the elegance of their being, do not see the years of discipline, commitment, sacrifice, struggle, and concentration. Desire and passion cloak the crucible.
Reactivity. I only need to look at the world news to see reactivity. I only need to sit and wait in a drive thru lane to know reactivity. I only need to…. it is everywhere and everywhere is also very much within me.
Balance. Is this not the yearning and perhaps the scream of all our hearts? We want it all. But is “all” the same as balance? Or, is balance the twin of elegance? The smooth river stone made so by rushing waters and time wearing it down. The discordant notes that propel a musical score into ecstasy. The off balance pirouette that would defy gravity. The sore muscles, wearied eyes, the practice after practice that surrenders into ease, fluidity, and beauty.
Balance: Heal reactivity by responding with elegance. Sweet little bedraggled autumn leaves, dancing with the river and fallen stick, you mirror me. May I mirror you. May all I encounter be a rushing river smoothing my hardness. When it is time to flow may I dance with the bubbles. When I am stuck may I tickle the river’s surface. When I am torn from my tree may I glisten in the sun.
But tis the first word that binds all. Heal. I do not overcome reactivity. I respond with elegance. I heal.
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