Some say we chose our birth time. We chose to be upon this earth at this time. I will confess, there have been times my response to that pondering has been a resounding, “Seriously? What were you thinking!”…..
It started with Fergie. Fergie is a groundhog that lives under the shed by my carport. I saw him/her in the yard and was fearful of him becoming another lifeless roadkill trophy. I decided, perhaps, if I provided food…..
Today may be the “official” Mother’s Day, but for me, Mama’s Day occurred in a different month and on a different day.
My mother called me at work – something she would NEVER have thought to do. I grabbed my cell phone and scurried out to the parking lot where I would make endless circles walking as we talked. Mama had been struggling with her colon cancer and she had made a decision. She wanted to tell me first…..
My sweet friend, how long has the river swirled around your roots? Challenged your trunk? Doubted your resiliency?
And in this world of upheaval, I ponder the vibration within the earth as the sap returns to the trunks, branches, limbs, and budded fingers. I gaze upon the roots and imagine the millions of roots beneath the visible…..
It is Jan 2, 2022. The second day of a new year. Another “new” year but somehow it looks suspiciously like last year. The second day after two full years of Covid, political, social, economic, planetary, … well, shall we just say chaos? No, I think polarity bests chaos.
Polarity, the blue revolving “nonresponding circle” on the computer, unsettles my nightly meditation. Holding my gratitude rock, I face each direction, and give thanks to each direction and its elements.
So long since my hands have touched these keys. So long since the Whispers would not relent until I sat and gave them voice. Oh my, 2020, what you have brought!
Returning from a quiet walk with nature’s solace, I sat at a stop light. How many stop lights…..
Like most, of late, my little boat seems as fragile as the leaf floating in the creek. As I stood watching, the Whisper brought to mind a chant that had been precious to my heart, but forgotten or lost ………
How long has it been sweet moon since I have seen your face?
And then the whisper from Rumi, “At night, I open the window and ask the moon to come and press its face against mine……
If there is one thing the Gulf quickly teaches you, it is impermanence. Footsteps, words written in the sand, sandcastles, even our trash will disappear. Look away for just a moment, and you’ll never see that same scene or image…..
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