Long held in its hard cocoon pod, its beauty will be brief. Yet, it will return next year. The pod will again protect its growth. Its beauty, naturally, will break forth and unfold. No, the same Poppy will not return. But the same roots…..
The image looks like the moon sitting upon the water. It is the New Year’s Eve moon, merging her illumination with the afternoon’s final sun of 2014 and playful wispy clouds. The moon sitting upon the ocean she rocks back and forth…..
Such a tiny little tree growing alone in the center of a bed of sandstone boulders. It slim trunk and tiny little green branches drew my eyes. Then the moment of awe when the camera revealed its fragile looking roots. Its tenuous hold…..
Make no mistake, sometimes recovering a sense of growth feels more like a shredding than renewal. But neither should we make the reverse mistake and fail to see the piercing of wholeness.
What makes the desert mesa become the green of pasture? What makes the green pasture become the barren desert mesa? Such a different texture depending upon how the question is asked. From green and fertile to dry dirt or dust and dry earth…..
Four summers I have walked this path. Four summers I have greeted this tree that to my eyes, had never known spring. I approached and felt her naked dancing arms holding the green while gathering my breath. Unlike the Disney movies, growth like this…..
The book exercise seemed simple enough – sit on a large piece of paper/cardboard and draw a circle around yourself. The intent was to notice how it felt to draw a circle around yourself and then to step outside and notice any difference. Hmmmmm. I had no…..
I planted some seeds a couple weeks ago. No clue whether they would grow as the original bed so difficult to clear after years of an absent tender. This morning I was greeted by tiny sprouts. I laughed to think that I did not know…..
Ok, I confess, I probably should’ve thought it through. Perhaps the task a bit much. To shovel out an untended garden area was probably not what my body needed. But who can deny the heart? Have wanted to tend the area, one of many, now for so…..
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